Green meteorite NWA 7325 linked to Mercury

A strange green meteorite that is unlike anything found on Earth might be linked to Mercury!

Green Mercury Meteorite NWA7325

Green-colored meteorite NWA 7325 that was found in 2012 in Morocco might come from Mercury (Credit: Stefan Ralew/

A green stone, discovered in Morocco a year ago could be the first known meteorite originating from planet Mercury, the cosmic body closest to our Sun.

That’s is the opinion of Anthony Irving, a specialist at Washington University who studied the space rock before presenting his findings at the 44th annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held in The Woodlands, Texas, U.S.

Extensive research suggests that the unique meteorite, named NWA 7325, would have split from Mercury, and not Mars or an asteroid.

NWA 7325 is in fact a bunch of 35 fragments of meteorites found in Morocco in 2012. They appear to be very old as Irving and his team dated the rock fragments and attributed them an age of about 4.56 billion years.
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“It could be a rock sample from Mercury, or a smaller celestial body with similar composition as Mercury” said Anthony Irving during his presentation. “A strong impact could have thrown NWA 7325 off Mercury to Earth.”

“NWA 7325 is different from anything that has been previously discovered on Earth,” added Irving.

Meteorites coming from the Red Planet show traces of Martian atmosphere, which makes them relatively easy to identify. Meteorites from Vesta, one of the biggest asteroids in the solar system are also chemically distinct. Instead, NWA 7325 is unlike any other space rock sample studied till now.

Irving believes that the space junk formed and ejected from a planet or other celestial body that showed lava flows on the surface, at some moment during its geological history. There are indications that the green rock would have formed from the “foam” that floated on the surface of molten magma.

NWA 7325 has a weak magnetic intensity – magnetism induced into a rock by the magnetic field of a celestial body – lower than any rocks known so far. Data from Messenger space probe (NASA) which orbits Mercury, reveals that planet’s weak magnetism resemble that of NWA 7325. Moreover, NWA 7325 has a very low iron content, as well as the planet Mercury, which suggests that the origin of the meteorite would be solar system’s innermost planet or a similar celestial body.
Source: Livescience, and Stefan Ralew

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