Apocalypse scenarios: hypotheses on how mankind could perish

The end of the world predicted by the Mayans to occur in 2012 should be the least concern for us because apparently there are plenty of other “options” which could destroy the planet and exterminate the humankind. Here below are just a few of them!!! (of course many of them may be found exaggerated:)

Various apocalyptic events can bring an end to world’s evolution. Credit: money.ro

• Nuclear war would allegedly destroy the mankind
Nuclear weapons have already wiped out major cities in Japan off the dace of Earth, and this only happens when only the U.S. possessed the power to create such weapons. But now, all powerful countries in the world own the secret of nuclear weapons production – so how long until a war will start?

Professor Martin Hellman at the Stanford University was convinced in the 1980s that a nuclear power will destroy globe’s population – Is this what comes next?

• Volcano ash to block sunlight
A devastating eruption at the U.S. Yellowstone National Park will pour so much lava and release overwhelming amount of smoke able to cover the sky, says a Discovery documentary.
Eruption will blow smoke and toxic gases hundreds of miles away, warns the documentary, and the ash fall could be so strong that you believe that it snows. Then ashes mixed with water will turn into a “killer” cement that will forestall our planet. Ash will move across the globe causing temperature drops and vegetation disappearances.
“It may erupt tomorrow or 50,000 years,” says the author of the documentary, Lawrence Joseph.

• Viruses not responding to antibiotics
Scientists discovered in Madagascar in 1995 a patient whose plague bacilli were resistant to multiple types of antibiotics.

“The result is even more alarming as this resistance was related to a highly pathogenic bacterial species in humans and a patient’s chances of survival are directly related to antibiotic treatment,” say researchers at the Pasteur Institute.

The same resistive trend was found in the poisoning salmonella. If medical drugs do not evolve as fast as the bacterias, then a single disease could kill the entire planet.

• U.S. unsustainable, so the world would starve
In 2003, teachers David Pementel and Mario Giampietro at the Cornell University warned that the U.S. population should not exceed the 200 million threshold if it wants to maintain economic sustainability.

By 2011, the U.S. population already exceeded 311 million people. If things continue in the same rhythm, by 2050 the Americans will not be able to maintain in their own country and will move to other parts.

• Meteors shower to destroy the Earth
Asteroids have already killed the dinosaurs, and now would come back to kill humans.
In September 2010 it was announced that asteroid called 1999 RQ36 is heading towards Earth and we expect it to hit the planet on September 24, 2018.

The asteroid was first discovered in 1999. It has over 500 meters long and the odds to hit Earth
is 1 in 1000. If the planet wants to have any chance of survival, scientists need to divert its path by at least 100 years before the impact.

• Robots killers
Since 2009 dozens scientists gathered in California to discuss the possibility for humans to be close to build an uncontrollable intelligent machine.

Eric Horvitz, president of Artificial Intelligence told the New York Times that scientists should consider the consequences of their research which could lead to development of predator drones and computer viruses.
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• Ice age to engulf the planet
It has happened before. Climate on Earth changes in cycles, fact thich makes researchers believe that “the Earth will freeze again”.

Although they can not predict a specific period in the future, researchers in Finland are already prepared for a possible ice age. In 2009 they began building bunkers and underground passages to store nuclear fuel. However, predictions say that the next ice age could come in the next 20,000 years.

• Massive earthquake to eradicate Earth’s population
Massive earthquakes come in all forms. But all can be deadly.

“The most devastating seismic activities were those that happened deep into the sea Discovery conveyed in another documentary.

One of the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, struck in 2004 off coast of northern Sumatra, killing over 227,000 people.

Japan, one of the countries most prone to earthquakes has 70% chances of being hit by another massive earthquake in the next four years, according to CNN.

The largest earthquake ever recorded, measuring 9.5 on the Richter scale occurred in 1960 in Chile. It killed about 1,655 people, injured over 3,000 and caused damages of 550 million dollars.

• Aliens to attack and take control of the planet
The idea of ​​aliens is fun and interesting …until one day we’ll face an invasion.
Although science has not proved yet the existence of other intelligent species living on other planets, the famous scientist Stephen Hawking says we should be afraid of such an encounter.

“Such advanced species of aliens may become nomadic and begin to seek to conquer and colonize other planets. If that would happen, it is natural for them to exploit all resources of a planet in order to build up new spaceships and develop new technologies aimed at helping them to continue their space odyssey. It is not known what the limits or consequences could be” Hawking said in a Discovery Channel documentary.

Although there is no evidence in this respect, Weekly World News predicts that aliens would invade the Earth by November 2012.

• Oil outage leading to end of civilization thrive
If oil production will come to an end, farmers will have no longer fuel to set their machines and tractors into motion. Going back to using horses for farming, would result in agriculture failure.
Scarcity of resources would attract a general crisis which is very likely to lead to global conflicts According to speculations, we will start feeling the disappearance of resources in the next 15-30 years.

• Zombie attack
It might sound funny, but it is very plausible. A zombie attack could happen, and the common factor would be a cerebral palsy virus.

Toxoplasma gondii parasit which is quite spread can turn the human brain into a “unruly zombie slave”.

This parasite is commonly found in cats and infected so far the brains of more than 60 million Americans.

When scientists put Toxoplasma gondii into rats brain, it was observed that the rodent animals no longer felt any fear of cats and were even attracted by them, fact which was concluded as the destruction of free will.

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