Shocking mc2 breakdown: Going faster than speed of light? CERN to overturn Einstein theory of relativity

Einstein’s theory of relativity -a benchmark theory of physics – that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light – was shaken for the first time on Thursday by a new discovery from CERN advanced laboratories.

CERN physicist raised controversy over Einstein theory of relativity

European scientists claim to have clocked neutrino – an peculiar type of subatomic particle – propagating faster than 299,792 km/s which is known for long time as the speed of light or cosmic speed barrier.
This stunning revelation was obviously regarded with skepticism, with one outside physicist calling it the equivalent of saying you have a flying carpet. CERN scientist are not prepared yet to promulgate the outstanding findings and demand other physicists to separately try to check their experiments.

“Most people will say this can’t be right, this can’t be real,” said James Gillies, a spokesman for CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research),
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According to Einstein’s 1905 famous theory of relativity, going faster than light is imposible to happen. The imposibility is backed by equation E=mc2. If CERN findings are true, then the relativity book need to be re-writen or updated. Who is gonna do it???

That would be “a revolutionary discovery if confirmed,” physicist Alan Kostelecky from Indiana University said. Kostelecky has carried out theoretical studies on this concept for about 25 years.

Even if the discovery proves to be real, it will not have an impact on our lives or the way the world runs. We just have to imagine that neutrinos behaved the same for millions of years, the only difference was that we did not know so far. What makes the difference is the fact that we have to regard from a different point of view the way universe formed and works, the scientific community announced.

France’s National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics Research worked closely with Italy’s Gran Sasso National Laboratory on the experiment at CERN.

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